RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences."> Rest of Rotary World RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences. Oct 2018Oct 15 2018 Donna Ward,Tenterfield Star Ballina, Big Banana, Tenterfield, tobogganing Viewed: 487 RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rye-student-enjoys-a-slice-of-aussie-culture/">Read more
Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance. Aug 2018 Donna Ward, Tenterfield Star Bruxner Park, Coonabarabran, Salvation Army, Tenterfield Viewed: 567 Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-street-stall-to-benefit-farmers/">Read more
A Rotary street stall for End Polio Now Raising around $1,500 a year, the street stall continues to play an important role particularly with the proceeds going towards Rotary’s bid to eradicate polio."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary street stall for End Polio Now Raising around $1,500 a year, the street stall continues to play an important role particularly with the proceeds going towards Rotary’s bid to eradicate polio. Mar 2018 Donna Ward, Tenterfield Star Beerfest, Easter, Jazzy Garden Party, Tenterfield Viewed: 509 A Rotary street stall for End Polio Now Raising around $1,500 a year, the street stall continues to play an important role particularly with the proceeds going towards Rotary’s bid to eradicate polio." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-rotary-street-stall-for-end-polio-now/">Read more