Rotary programme sends medical devices to Africa RC Mercer has placed blue bins outside institutions and business outlets to collect crutches, walkers and prosthetic limbs which are then shipped to Uganda."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary programme sends medical devices to Africa RC Mercer has placed blue bins outside institutions and business outlets to collect crutches, walkers and prosthetic limbs which are then shipped to Uganda. Nov 2019Nov 11 2019 Melissa Klaric, The Herald Colorado, crutches, Mercer, prosthetics, Uganda Viewed: 1,204 Rotary programme sends medical devices to Africa RC Mercer has placed blue bins outside institutions and business outlets to collect crutches, walkers and prosthetic limbs which are then shipped to Uganda." href="">Read more
A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community. Aug 2019Aug 08 2019 Hannah Swayze, Orange Observer Florida, Happy Dollars, scholarships, Scouts, West Orange Viewed: 812 A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community." href="">Read more
A Rotarian makes a difference in South Africa Magdalen Leung and her team of Rotary volunteers have built a school for orphans and she visits the place each year to donate a range of utility goods for children."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotarian makes a difference in South Africa Magdalen Leung and her team of Rotary volunteers have built a school for orphans and she visits the place each year to donate a range of utility goods for children. Jul 2019Aug 08 2019 Nono Shen, Richmond News Refilwe, Richmond, South Africa, Vancouver Viewed: 1,222 A Rotarian makes a difference in South Africa Magdalen Leung and her team of Rotary volunteers have built a school for orphans and she visits the place each year to donate a range of utility goods for children." href="">Read more
Rotary club moves into a new spacious home RC Dennison has bought a 100-year-old heritage building from Railroad Festival Committee for $65,000 and has done minor repairs to reflect the aspirations of the organisation."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club moves into a new spacious home RC Dennison has bought a 100-year-old heritage building from Railroad Festival Committee for $65,000 and has done minor repairs to reflect the aspirations of the organisation. Jul 2019Jul 09 2019 Tusco TV Dennison, Dreamsville, Presbyterian, Railroad Festival Viewed: 627 Rotary club moves into a new spacious home RC Dennison has bought a 100-year-old heritage building from Railroad Festival Committee for $65,000 and has done minor repairs to reflect the aspirations of the organisation." href="">Read more
Rotary club re-elects its president A Rotary club in San Diego, US, hosted a gala dinner for its members to mark its 55th anniversary and rejoice the re-election of its president who has led many projects with passion."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club re-elects its president A Rotary club in San Diego, US, hosted a gala dinner for its members to mark its 55th anniversary and rejoice the re-election of its president who has led many projects with passion. Jul 2019Jul 03 2019 Corey Levitan, La Jolla Light Aloha, Hawaii, La Jolla, Monaco, san diego Viewed: 763 Rotary club re-elects its president A Rotary club in San Diego, US, hosted a gala dinner for its members to mark its 55th anniversary and rejoice the re-election of its president who has led many projects with passion." href="">Read more
A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year."> Rest of Rotary World A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year. Jun 2019Jun 28 2019 David Warner, My Little Falls Little Falls, Rotary Year Viewed: 714 A gala ‘change of guard’ at Little Falls A new set of office-bearers will take over the reins of the Rotary club with two co-presidents elected in December to steer the organisation in the upcoming year." href="">Read more
New club president keen to usher in reforms To be a vibrant force in the community, the club will reach out to local charities and start a Community Champion Award scheme to honour those who excel in selfless service."> Rest of Rotary World New club president keen to usher in reforms To be a vibrant force in the community, the club will reach out to local charities and start a Community Champion Award scheme to honour those who excel in selfless service. Jun 2019Jun 28 2019 Elaine Hammond, Worthing Herald Goring Greensward, Red Cross, Sussex, Worthing Viewed: 766 New club president keen to usher in reforms To be a vibrant force in the community, the club will reach out to local charities and start a Community Champion Award scheme to honour those who excel in selfless service." href="">Read more
Rotary honours student with service award Each year, the Rotary Club of Los Alamos awards nine junior grade students for their distinguished service after they were recommended for the honour by the school teachers."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary honours student with service award Each year, the Rotary Club of Los Alamos awards nine junior grade students for their distinguished service after they were recommended for the honour by the school teachers. Jun 2019Jun 21 2019 Los Alamos Reporter 4-Way Test, Ecuador, Los Alamos, New Mexico Viewed: 797 Rotary honours student with service award Each year, the Rotary Club of Los Alamos awards nine junior grade students for their distinguished service after they were recommended for the honour by the school teachers." href="">Read more
Longmont Rotary marks 100 years of service City Mayor proclaims the centennial of the Rotary club which has earned goodwill through community projects, programmes and assisting many nonprofits in their social activities."> Rest of Rotary World Longmont Rotary marks 100 years of service City Mayor proclaims the centennial of the Rotary club which has earned goodwill through community projects, programmes and assisting many nonprofits in their social activities. Jun 2019Jun 21 2019 John Fryar, Longmont Times-Call 4-Way Test, centennial, Colorado, Longmont, Lutheran, St Vrain Viewed: 909 Longmont Rotary marks 100 years of service City Mayor proclaims the centennial of the Rotary club which has earned goodwill through community projects, programmes and assisting many nonprofits in their social activities." href="">Read more
Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 956 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Rotary workshop for new entrepreneurs As there is no support system for small businessmen, the Rotary club along with Rotaractors is organising a first ever workshop for them to run their micro enterprises successfully."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary workshop for new entrepreneurs As there is no support system for small businessmen, the Rotary club along with Rotaractors is organising a first ever workshop for them to run their micro enterprises successfully. Jun 2019Jun 06 2019 Joan Rampersad, Newsday Piarco, St Augustine, Tobago, Trinidad Viewed: 891 Rotary workshop for new entrepreneurs As there is no support system for small businessmen, the Rotary club along with Rotaractors is organising a first ever workshop for them to run their micro enterprises successfully." href="">Read more