RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences."> Rest of Rotary World RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences. Oct 2018Oct 15 2018 Donna Ward,Tenterfield Star Ballina, Big Banana, Tenterfield, tobogganing Viewed: 487 RYE student enjoys a slice of Aussie culture A Rotary Youth Exchange student from Japan makes a presentation to the host club on her exciting time spent in Tenterfield where she had adventurous experiences." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rye-student-enjoys-a-slice-of-aussie-culture/">Read more