Olympic spirit A perennial Olympics volunteer finds togetherness at the Games and in Rotary.

As a child in the 1950s, Ernie Peterson remembers watching the Olympics on TV. “I sat there absolutely fascinated and thought, ‘You know, it would be nice to attend one day.’”

Olympic spirit A perennial Olympics volunteer finds togetherness at the Games and in Rotary." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/olympic-spirit/">Read more

RI seeks solar heroes

Rotary International, in its quest for environmental protection and sustainability of the earth’s resources, has launched a drive to encourage the transition from traditional to renewable energy sources to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future for the present and future generations.

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The delights of Indore street food Beyond what the name suggests, you have more than 56 food shops neatly lined up on both sides of the street. The array of food is mind-boggling and the people never tire.

When you think of food streets, you think of busy and crowded lanes, with calls from servers beckoning you to their stalls, steam wafting off pans and aromas that draw you in. You think them as

The delights of Indore street food Beyond what the name suggests, you have more than 56 food shops neatly lined up on both sides of the street. The array of food is mind-boggling and the people never tire." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/the-delights-of-indore-street-food/">Read more
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