Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 917 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far. Aug 2018Aug 16 2018 reliefweb Afghanistan, African, nigeria, PolioPlus, poliovirus, unicef, who Viewed: 733 Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far." href="">Read more
Rotary aims to double clubs by 2025 New District Governor speaks about his mission which includes drawing more youngsters, executing more projects, increasing membership and thrust on Global Rewards Programme."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary aims to double clubs by 2025 New District Governor speaks about his mission which includes drawing more youngsters, executing more projects, increasing membership and thrust on Global Rewards Programme. Aug 2018Aug 14 2018 Lindsey Wells, The Sentinel-Record Arlington, Friendship Exchange, Hot Springs, PolioPlus, Venezuela, Zero-K Viewed: 922 Rotary aims to double clubs by 2025 New District Governor speaks about his mission which includes drawing more youngsters, executing more projects, increasing membership and thrust on Global Rewards Programme." href="">Read more
Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. Jun 2018Jun 28 2018 Muriel Draaisma, CBC Amal Alliance, Congo, House of Friendship, Kinshasa, PolioPlus, Toronto, unicef Viewed: 934 Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. " href="">Read more
Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event."> Rest of Rotary World Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event. Feb 2018Feb 13 2018 Amy Mihelich, Sun This Week Apple Valley, PolioPlus, Sheltering Arms, spaghetti Viewed: 605 Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event." href="">Read more
Rotary club donates funds for local, global projects Charleston Rotary Club has used grants from the Annual Fund to assist in providing technology support to local school students in kindergarten and sixth grade over the past two years."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club donates funds for local, global projects Charleston Rotary Club has used grants from the Annual Fund to assist in providing technology support to local school students in kindergarten and sixth grade over the past two years. Jan 2018Jan 03 2018 Journal Gazette & Times-Courier Annual Fund, Jefferson Elementary School, PolioPlus, TAGS: Charleston Viewed: 553 Rotary club donates funds for local, global projects Charleston Rotary Club has used grants from the Annual Fund to assist in providing technology support to local school students in kindergarten and sixth grade over the past two years." href="">Read more
End Polio Now: Still some more work left With October 24 marking International Polio Day, the current worldwide levels of polio reflect a 99.9 per cent reduction from the 1980s, where there were as many as 1,000 cases per day."> Rest of Rotary World End Polio Now: Still some more work left With October 24 marking International Polio Day, the current worldwide levels of polio reflect a 99.9 per cent reduction from the 1980s, where there were as many as 1,000 cases per day. Oct 2017 Sean Slatter, The Examiner Australia, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Launceston, PolioPlus, Tasmania Viewed: 817 End Polio Now: Still some more work left With October 24 marking International Polio Day, the current worldwide levels of polio reflect a 99.9 per cent reduction from the 1980s, where there were as many as 1,000 cases per day." href="">Read more
Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club."> Rest of Rotary World Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club. May 2017 Jillian Trainor, Arrow Lakes News fundraiser, Kootenays, Nakusp, Okanagan, PolioPlus, Rotor Lodge, wine Viewed: 681 Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club." href="">Read more
Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community."> Rest of Rotary World Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community. Apr 2017 Scott Richardson, Chris Weber, Literacy, Northfield, PolioPlus, Rotary Club Viewed: 786 Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World A recap on Rotary’s fight against polio Apr 2017Apr 04 2017 The Inter-Mountain Afghanistan, Elkins, immunisation, Melinda Gates, nigeria, PolioPlus, Ron LaNeve, Rotary, unicef Viewed: 996 Read more
Media lauds Rotary’s anti-polio efforts PolioPlus director Carol Pandak highlights the importance of Rotary's efforts in eradicating the scourge especially from Africa."> Rest of Rotary World Media lauds Rotary’s anti-polio efforts PolioPlus director Carol Pandak highlights the importance of Rotary's efforts in eradicating the scourge especially from Africa. Mar 2017Mar 31 2017 Rotary International Africa, Carol Pandak, GPEI, polio, PolioPlus, Reuters, Rotary Viewed: 751 Media lauds Rotary’s anti-polio efforts PolioPlus director Carol Pandak highlights the importance of Rotary's efforts in eradicating the scourge especially from Africa." href="">Read more