Rotary offers birth packs to pregnant teens The local club joined hands with Unisa Social Work Department to donate birth packs to 16 pregnant teenagers from Ga-Kolopo village in South Africa."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary offers birth packs to pregnant teens The local club joined hands with Unisa Social Work Department to donate birth packs to 16 pregnant teenagers from Ga-Kolopo village in South Africa. Jun 2017 Bosveld Review Aganang, birth packs, Ga–Kolopo, Polokwane, pregnancy, Rotary Club, South Africa, Unisa Social Work Viewed: 772 Rotary offers birth packs to pregnant teens The local club joined hands with Unisa Social Work Department to donate birth packs to 16 pregnant teenagers from Ga-Kolopo village in South Africa." href="">Read more
A Rotary club that still prohibits women A quarter of New Zealand Rotary members are women, compared to 17 per cent internationally."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary club that still prohibits women A quarter of New Zealand Rotary members are women, compared to 17 per cent internationally. Jun 2017Jun 05 2017 Anna Bracewell-Worrall, Annabella Garwood, Thomas Mead; Newshub Avonhead, Christchurch, Green Party, human rights, Liz Courtney, New Zealand, Paula Bennett, Rotary Club Viewed: 1,584 A Rotary club that still prohibits women A quarter of New Zealand Rotary members are women, compared to 17 per cent internationally." href="">Read more
Rotary president publishes textbooks in India The 63-year-old inspired by her mother tongue has written books for higher secondary students and recently published two of them in India titled ‘Home Science’."> Rotary News Rotary president publishes textbooks in India The 63-year-old inspired by her mother tongue has written books for higher secondary students and recently published two of them in India titled ‘Home Science’. May 2017May 19 2017 Chatsworth Rising Sun Clairwood, education, Home Science, Nsimbi Township, Rotary Club, Sarita Sirohi, textbooks Viewed: 844 Rotary president publishes textbooks in India The 63-year-old inspired by her mother tongue has written books for higher secondary students and recently published two of them in India titled ‘Home Science’." href="">Read more
Past Presidents share golden memories during club’s anniversary RCOP’s $73,000 contribution to the helipad for Royal Perth Hospital was one of the highlights of Dick Cook's presidential year."> Rest of Rotary World Past Presidents share golden memories during club’s anniversary RCOP’s $73,000 contribution to the helipad for Royal Perth Hospital was one of the highlights of Dick Cook's presidential year. May 2017 Denise S Cahill, Western Suburbs Weekly Australia, Dick Cook, fellowship, Perth, Rotary Club, Royal Perth Hospital Viewed: 613 Past Presidents share golden memories during club’s anniversary RCOP’s $73,000 contribution to the helipad for Royal Perth Hospital was one of the highlights of Dick Cook's presidential year." href="">Read more
Rotary Club launches mother-child promo for better healthcare Club President Henna Budhrani says every child deserves a good start and that starts with a healthy mother. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Club launches mother-child promo for better healthcare Club President Henna Budhrani says every child deserves a good start and that starts with a healthy mother. May 2017 The Daily Herald Emil Lee, Henna Budhrani, public health, Rotary Club, St Maarten Viewed: 692 Rotary Club launches mother-child promo for better healthcare Club President Henna Budhrani says every child deserves a good start and that starts with a healthy mother. " href="">Read more
Rotary donation helps Berkshire Food Project replace old stove The new stove comes thanks in large part to a donation by the Rotary Club of Williamstown."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary donation helps Berkshire Food Project replace old stove The new stove comes thanks in large part to a donation by the Rotary Club of Williamstown. May 2017 Adam Shanks, The Berkshire Eagle Berkshire, food project, lunch, North Adams, Olympic Pizza, Rotary Club, stove, Wild Oats, Williamstown Viewed: 602 Rotary donation helps Berkshire Food Project replace old stove The new stove comes thanks in large part to a donation by the Rotary Club of Williamstown." href="">Read more
Celebrating 30 years of women in Rotary Grafton Rotary Club member Brenda Thompson gives a brief history of the long process involved in allowing women in Rotary clubs."> Rest of Rotary World Celebrating 30 years of women in Rotary Grafton Rotary Club member Brenda Thompson gives a brief history of the long process involved in allowing women in Rotary clubs. May 2017May 05 2017 Sarah Jones, Mountain Statesman Boyd Vanhorn, Brenda Thompson, Grafton, paul harris, Rotary Club Viewed: 10,235 Celebrating 30 years of women in Rotary Grafton Rotary Club member Brenda Thompson gives a brief history of the long process involved in allowing women in Rotary clubs." href="">Read more
Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country. May 2017 Messenger Post Media Carli Vanmaaren, Denmark, Guarev Revankar, Rotary Club, Victor-Farmington, viking, vinterbadning, youth exchange Viewed: 868 Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country." href="">Read more
Rotary plans a ‘splash park’ for the community The proposed facility will be located near the playground where families already frequent."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary plans a ‘splash park’ for the community The proposed facility will be located near the playground where families already frequent. Apr 2017 The News Canada, Rotary Club, Splash park, Wendy Bourque, Westville Viewed: 658 Rotary plans a ‘splash park’ for the community The proposed facility will be located near the playground where families already frequent." href="">Read more
Rotary Chatsworth adds colour, joy to Rainbow Creche A successful project of this nature was made possible by various sponsors and donors who provided toys, meals and goodie bags."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Chatsworth adds colour, joy to Rainbow Creche A successful project of this nature was made possible by various sponsors and donors who provided toys, meals and goodie bags. Apr 2017Apr 26 2017 Chatsworth Rising Sun Chatsworth, Rainbow Creche, Rotary Club, Vani Govender, Westcliff Viewed: 661 Rotary Chatsworth adds colour, joy to Rainbow Creche A successful project of this nature was made possible by various sponsors and donors who provided toys, meals and goodie bags." href="">Read more
Get to know ‘Rotary Employee of the Year’ Rita Groome's prime responsibility is to make sure all forms and letters go out in time and to the right federal and or state government agency."> Rest of Rotary World Get to know ‘Rotary Employee of the Year’ Rita Groome's prime responsibility is to make sure all forms and letters go out in time and to the right federal and or state government agency. Apr 2017Apr 26 2017 Daily World employee, LeBouef, Opelousas, personality, Rita Groome, Rotary Club, skills Viewed: 823 Get to know ‘Rotary Employee of the Year’ Rita Groome's prime responsibility is to make sure all forms and letters go out in time and to the right federal and or state government agency." href="">Read more