Make farming attractive to the young When 45 per cent of farmers want to quit farming, how are we going to persuade farm graduates and other educated youth to stay in villages and adopt agriculture as a profession?"> At the core Make farming attractive to the young When 45 per cent of farmers want to quit farming, how are we going to persuade farm graduates and other educated youth to stay in villages and adopt agriculture as a profession? Apr 2015Nov 17 2016 M S Swaminathan Viewed: 809 Make farming attractive to the young When 45 per cent of farmers want to quit farming, how are we going to persuade farm graduates and other educated youth to stay in villages and adopt agriculture as a profession?" href="">Read more
Indo-Pak peace in the Peshawar aftermath With the Peshawar attack, a new opportunity opens up in the troubled quest for conflict resolution and peace between India and Pakistan."> At the core Indo-Pak peace in the Peshawar aftermath With the Peshawar attack, a new opportunity opens up in the troubled quest for conflict resolution and peace between India and Pakistan. Feb 2015Nov 21 2016 Shakti Sinha Viewed: 795 Indo-Pak peace in the Peshawar aftermath With the Peshawar attack, a new opportunity opens up in the troubled quest for conflict resolution and peace between India and Pakistan." href="">Read more