Rotary holds fundraiser for youth projects The annual fundraiser helps the club to organise a number of youth projects and in the last 20 years, they have raised over $100,000 from this event in the neighbourhood."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary holds fundraiser for youth projects The annual fundraiser helps the club to organise a number of youth projects and in the last 20 years, they have raised over $100,000 from this event in the neighbourhood. Jan 2019Jan 14 2019 Easter Seals, Mississauga, Ontario, Sault Ste Marie, youth exchange Viewed: 585 Rotary holds fundraiser for youth projects The annual fundraiser helps the club to organise a number of youth projects and in the last 20 years, they have raised over $100,000 from this event in the neighbourhood." href="">Read more
A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects."> Rest of Rotary World A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects. Sep 2018Sep 27 2018 Lucy Jarvis, Joondalup Times Connolly, Joondalup, Mullaloo Beach, Perth, youth exchange Viewed: 633 A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects." href="">Read more
Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. Jul 2018Jul 25 2018 Bloomfield, Latvia, Rochester, Rotex, Victor-Farmington, youth exchange Viewed: 765 Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. " href="">Read more
Student winners present essays to Rotary 'Laws of Life' is the largest essay contest in North America and in Georgia it is run by an exclusive board of Rotarians."> Rest of Rotary World Student winners present essays to Rotary 'Laws of Life' is the largest essay contest in North America and in Georgia it is run by an exclusive board of Rotarians. May 2017May 24 2017 Dunwoody Crier Dunwoody, essay, Georgia, TeNesha Ukomadu, Tom McFerrin, youth exchange Viewed: 827 Student winners present essays to Rotary 'Laws of Life' is the largest essay contest in North America and in Georgia it is run by an exclusive board of Rotarians." href="">Read more
Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country. May 2017 Messenger Post Media Carli Vanmaaren, Denmark, Guarev Revankar, Rotary Club, Victor-Farmington, viking, vinterbadning, youth exchange Viewed: 852 Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World Rotary travel builds confidence among Aussie students Mar 2017Mar 01 2017 Cecilia Allen, Bridgetown Times Alex Alban, Australia, Emily Barton, Manjimup, youth exchange Viewed: 694 Read more