Student winners present essays to Rotary 'Laws of Life' is the largest essay contest in North America and in Georgia it is run by an exclusive board of Rotarians.

Four Dunwoody High Laws of Life essay winners read their essays to the Rotary Club of Dunwoody (Georgia, US — District 6900) on May 19.
Principal Tom McFerrin and sponsoring teacher, TeNesha Ukomadu introduced them to the packed room of members and their guests. The students’ parents were also introduced.
The two Dunwoody Rotary Youth Exchange students, one going to Taiwan and one headed to Thailand in July, were also present.
Laws of Life is the largest essay contest in North America, and in Georgia it is run by an exclusive board of Rotarians.
Dunwoody resident George Stewart heads up the contest for the club.
He is also in charge of several state-mandated character education programmes in Dunwoody schools.
A record 48,836 students submitted essays this year from 64 Georgia high schools.
With the support of teacher TeNesha Ukomadu and Principal McFerrin, 1,165 essays were submitted by Dunwoody High students this school year.
The Laws of Life contest takes Rotary’s emphasis on ethics, education, and advanced literacy into schools and classrooms across the state.
Through the purchase of raffle tickets, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody contributes more than $3,000 each year to the $22,000 in scholarships and teacher honoraria granted to the statewide winners.