Greenwashing or genuinely organic? Greenwashing and false claims by companies can mislead you when you go to buy a product. But there is hope...

Are the products on supermarket shelves marked ‘green’ genuinely green? In a world where consumers are becoming increasingly environment-conscious, there is no dearth of marketers luring unsuspecting shoppers with labels such as “organic, chemical-free, 100 per cent natural, sustainable” or even “vegan”. These tags may appear on a range of goods, from food to cosmetics, and make half-true or often false claims.

Greenwashing or genuinely organic? Greenwashing and false claims by companies can mislead you when you go to buy a product. But there is hope..." href="">Read more

Hobbies that don’t tax the earth Some pursuits you can enjoy while treading gently on nature.

Google co-founder Larry Page once said, “You never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby,” and that’s exactly what happens to people who pursue a sustainable lifestyle. Just like their lives, their hobbies are also inspired by a desire not to harm the planet, to do things in their free time that do not tax the earth nor leave a carbon footprint. You could call it the art of engaging with the finer, subtler and sometimes mundane side without feeling guilty.

Hobbies that don’t tax the earth Some pursuits you can enjoy while treading gently on nature." href="">Read more

A garden for the body, soul and planet Your patch of green could be a source of comfort and joy.

If someone has summed up the meaning of what it feels to keep a garden, it is Victorian poet Alfred Austin. He said, “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” And to his poetic words, allow me to add, a ‘green’ soul that has taken saving nature to heart.

A garden for the body, soul and planet Your patch of green could be a source of comfort and joy." href="">Read more

Protect your furry friends from pollution Environment-friendly ways to keep your pets healthy and happy.

Those environmentally conscious among us are concerned about surface and air pollution, climate change, global warming and several other related issues. But there are also people in this world with a deep love for nature, and have a special place in their hearts for all creatures great and small.

Protect your furry friends from pollution Environment-friendly ways to keep your pets healthy and happy." href="">Read more

Strategies to beat the summer heat How to keep your house cool naturally to counter warnings of an unprecedented rise in temperatures.

For those who live in tropical climes, the advent of summer is not a signal to bask in the sun and forget the blues of the winter. It serves as a reminder of the hot torrid months ahead when the rivers run dry, and people look ­heavenwards to rain clouds for deliverance from the heat. Of course, their hopes are a touch soured when the meteorological department predicts a hotter summer than previous years and the possibility of a delayed monsoon.

Strategies to beat the summer heat How to keep your house cool naturally to counter warnings of an unprecedented rise in temperatures." href="">Read more

What Rotary clubs can do to help the Environment

In April 2024, we will celebrate our first month highlighting Rotary environmental action. In 1990, PRIP Paulo V C Costa made the environment one of his primary causes, creating Preserve Planet Earth programme. In June 2020, the RI directors and Rotary Foundation Board unanimously approved the creation of Rotary’s seventh area of focus — Protecting the Environment. In 2021, TRF began awarding environmental global grants. Clubs are at the heart of Rotarians’ action to address climate change. To find effective projects, clubs can draw on a rapidly growing trove of expertise and technical assistance from Rotary Action Groups and TRF: the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG), Rotary Action Group for Endangered Species (RAGES), WASHRAG, and the TRF Cadre specialists in Environment, Water and Community Economic Development.

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Water is not for wasting The precious liquid that nurtures life must be judiciously used.

Do we take water for granted? Unfortunately, we do. Despite knowing that it is a vital natural resource essential for our survival and that of all the animals and plants that inhabit the Earth. In fact, most of us don’t give a second thought to water since we assume that it will perennially be in bountiful supply. Isn’t it ironic that water comes into focus only when there is a drought or a flood — when there is too little or too much of it.

Water is not for wasting The precious liquid that nurtures life must be judiciously used. " href="">Read more

Make a fresh start while moving home A new home opens up several environment-friendly possibilities.

Moving home is akin to making a fresh start. It offers you an opportunity to carry out some serious stocktaking of the inventory of household goods you have acquired. But while doing so, wearing a green bifocal will make a world of difference. You will not only be able to give away things you don’t need but can recycle and repurpose bits and pieces of furniture and clothes lying unused for years. More importantly, you can invest sensibly in new household goods to ensure that your new home is as minimalist and environment-friendly as possible.

Make a fresh start while moving home A new home opens up several environment-friendly possibilities." href="">Read more

Turn solar in 2024! Installing a solar power system could be your way of mitigating global warming in 2024.

Whoever said it was right. Solar power is the energy resource that isn’t owned yet—nobody taxes the Sun! From the break of dawn till dusk, the sun shares its heat with the earth. And in India, which lies close to the equator, there is bountiful sunlight for most part of the year. Luckily for us, this solar energy is not only freely available, but we also have the technology to harness it to light up our lives. Solar power, as is well known, is the cleanest and greenest energy resource that we can easily tap into.

Turn solar in 2024! Installing a solar power system could be your way of mitigating global warming in 2024." href="">Read more

Join the ranks of the green warriors in 2024 It is the time of the year to make ­commitments that make you count.

The New Year begins with a countdown to 2030. That will be a landmark year in the global effort to heal the earth and contain global warming. Time moves rather steadily and seventy-two odd months from now, the nations of the world will subject themselves to an environmental audit to see if the sustainable goals they had set for themselves have been achieved. Have we collectively delivered or not.

Join the ranks of the green warriors in 2024 It is the time of the year to make ­commitments that make you count." href="">Read more
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