Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country. May 2017 Messenger Post Media Carli Vanmaaren, Denmark, Guarev Revankar, Rotary Club, Victor-Farmington, viking, vinterbadning, youth exchange Viewed: 848 Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country." href="">Read more