Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club."> Rest of Rotary World Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club. May 2017 Jillian Trainor, Arrow Lakes News fundraiser, Kootenays, Nakusp, Okanagan, PolioPlus, Rotor Lodge, wine Viewed: 695 Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/bustling-wine-festival-a-success-for-rotary/">Read more