Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music. Oct 2018Oct 12 2018 The Telegraph Italian, Nashua, Paisano Cup, Souhegan Valley, spaghetti Viewed: 552 Rotary club hosts annual Spaghetti Dinner The community awaits eagerly for the annual dinner which is being held for the last 45 years with people from all age groups gathering to enjoy spaghetti in the backdrop of Italian music." href="">Read more
Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event."> Rest of Rotary World Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event. Feb 2018Feb 13 2018 Amy Mihelich, Sun This Week Apple Valley, PolioPlus, Sheltering Arms, spaghetti Viewed: 628 Spaghetti dinner raises funds for PolioPlus Apple Valley Rotary hosted its first-ever PolioPlus spaghetti dinner and silent auction with the involvement of the community and other volunteers who sold tickets and promoted the event." href="">Read more