Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 920 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Oct 2018 Sarah Ferguson, Forbes Afghanistan, immunisation, nigeria, Pakistan, poliovirus, unicef Viewed: 755 Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan." href="">Read more
Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far. Aug 2018Aug 16 2018 reliefweb Afghanistan, African, nigeria, PolioPlus, poliovirus, unicef, who Viewed: 734 Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far." href="">Read more