Rotary clubs join hands to tackle hunger Project Outreach Hunger will assemble 40,000 meals with the help of over 200 volunteers for distribution to local NGOs which strive for hunger-free society."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs join hands to tackle hunger Project Outreach Hunger will assemble 40,000 meals with the help of over 200 volunteers for distribution to local NGOs which strive for hunger-free society. Mar 2019Mar 08 2019 The Morning Call Bethlehem, Hispanic, Nazareth, Northampton, Salvation Army Viewed: 548 Rotary clubs join hands to tackle hunger Project Outreach Hunger will assemble 40,000 meals with the help of over 200 volunteers for distribution to local NGOs which strive for hunger-free society." href="">Read more
Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance. Aug 2018 Donna Ward, Tenterfield Star Bruxner Park, Coonabarabran, Salvation Army, Tenterfield Viewed: 567 Rotary street stall to benefit farmers Rotary Club of Tenterfield will pass on the money raised to the Salvation Army which has put in place support programmes for farmers hit by drought and in need of timely assistance." href="">Read more
Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity."> Rest of Rotary World Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity. Mar 2018Mar 22 2018 Mark Di Ionno, Chatham, Drew University, Essex, Madison, malnourished, New Jersey, Salvation Army Viewed: 734 Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity." href="">Read more
Rotary food bank drive kicks off in style The Rotarians will be going door-to-door across Grande Prairie, Clairmont and Sexsmith, asking for food bank donations and they hope to match the 46 tonnes they got last year."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary food bank drive kicks off in style The Rotarians will be going door-to-door across Grande Prairie, Clairmont and Sexsmith, asking for food bank donations and they hope to match the 46 tonnes they got last year. Sep 2017Sep 08 2017 Kevin Hampson, Daily Herald-Tribune Clairmont, Eastlink Centre, food bank, Grand Prairie, Salvation Army, Sexsmith Viewed: 713 Rotary food bank drive kicks off in style The Rotarians will be going door-to-door across Grande Prairie, Clairmont and Sexsmith, asking for food bank donations and they hope to match the 46 tonnes they got last year." href="">Read more