Annual fishing derby hosted by Rotary club Rotarians hosted 24 special needs students from the Southgate Community School who were all given the opportunity to enjoy the day by the water."> Rest of Rotary World Annual fishing derby hosted by Rotary club Rotarians hosted 24 special needs students from the Southgate Community School who were all given the opportunity to enjoy the day by the water. Jul 2017 Dave Herndon, News-Herald fishing derby, Huron township, Michigan Memorial Park, Southgate Viewed: 563 Annual fishing derby hosted by Rotary club Rotarians hosted 24 special needs students from the Southgate Community School who were all given the opportunity to enjoy the day by the water." href="">Read more
Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park. Jun 2017Jun 26 2017 Mike Gleason, Milford Daily News fishing derby, Milford, Outdoor Day, Plains Park, scavenger hunt Viewed: 562 Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park." href="">Read more