Rotary moves local council for replacing ageing trees The club has to submit a grant application to the Town Council for the funding, and Rotarians have to build consensus for the project within the club before moving ahead with the execution."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary moves local council for replacing ageing trees The club has to submit a grant application to the Town Council for the funding, and Rotarians have to build consensus for the project within the club before moving ahead with the execution. Apr 2018Apr 16 2018 Doug Ford, Gazette-Virginian Boston, Bradford, Pear trees, Wilborn Avenue Viewed: 539 Rotary moves local council for replacing ageing trees The club has to submit a grant application to the Town Council for the funding, and Rotarians have to build consensus for the project within the club before moving ahead with the execution." href="">Read more
Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine."> Rest of Rotary World Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine. Apr 2018 Afghanistan, CDC, End Polio, nigeria, Pakistan Viewed: 1,102 Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine." href="">Read more
Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy. Apr 2018Apr 11 2018 Kellie Adamson, Suffolk News-Herald Churchland, Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Florida, Houston, hunger, malnutrition, Portsmouth, Puerto RIco, Smithfield, Suffolk Viewed: 794 Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy." href="">Read more
Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills. Apr 2018Apr 10 2018 Chatsworth Rising Sun Arena Park, Chatsworth, Crossmoor, Howard College, KwaZulu-Natal, Meadowlands, Monthford, South Africa Viewed: 781 Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills." href="">Read more
Rotary clubs help Colombian peace efforts Peace and conflict resolution is one of Rotary International’s six areas of focus and youth are identified as an important part of the peacebuilding strategy through learning."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs help Colombian peace efforts Peace and conflict resolution is one of Rotary International’s six areas of focus and youth are identified as an important part of the peacebuilding strategy through learning. Apr 2018Apr 04 2018 Delta Optimist British Columbia, Ladner, Mexico, Positive Peace Workshop, Tsawwassen, Uganda Viewed: 841 Rotary clubs help Colombian peace efforts Peace and conflict resolution is one of Rotary International’s six areas of focus and youth are identified as an important part of the peacebuilding strategy through learning." href="">Read more
Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan."> Rest of Rotary World Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Apr 2018Feb 09 2024 Hal Kwalwasser, Sonama West Fort Bragg, Otsuchi, Sebastopol, Sonoma County, wildfire Viewed: 649 Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan." href="">Read more
Doing good with TRF help A Rotary grant transforms rural schools Apr 2018Apr 02 2018 Team Rotary News Viewed: 568 Read more