Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan."> Rest of Rotary World Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Apr 2018Feb 09 2024 Hal Kwalwasser, Sonama West Fort Bragg, Otsuchi, Sebastopol, Sonoma County, wildfire Viewed: 620 Japanese Rotary donates to US fire victims Otsuchi Rotary is giving back to Sebastopol Rotarians who had mobilised funds to replace a fire truck lost in the 2011 earthquake in Japan." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/japanese-rotary-donates-5k-to-us-fire-victims/">Read more
Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause."> Polio Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause. May 2017 Diana Wilson, Sonoma West Times & News anti-polio, Diana Wilson, New Delhi, polio, rotary international, Sebastopol, unicef, who Viewed: 703 Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/mother-daughters-trip-to-india-leads-them-to-help-anti-polio-project/">Read more