Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy. Apr 2018Apr 11 2018 Kellie Adamson, Suffolk News-Herald Churchland, Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Florida, Houston, hunger, malnutrition, Portsmouth, Puerto RIco, Smithfield, Suffolk Viewed: 794 Rotary steps up fight against global hunger A number of Rotary clubs in Virginia joined hands with local churches to volunteer in the Rise Against Hunger project that involved packaging fresh meals with rich nutrients for the needy." href="">Read more