Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes. Aug 2018Aug 17 2018 Elisa McKay, The St Thomas Source Barry Rassin, Frederiksted, Irma, Jamaica, Maria, Nassau, St Croix, Virgin Islands Viewed: 583 Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes." href="">Read more