Grand reception to Rassin at St Maarten airport A State minister along with Rotary leaders welcomed Barry Rassin on the tarmac of Princess Juliana Airport in the Caribbean Islands, followed by group dances from local artistes."> Rest of Rotary World Grand reception to Rassin at St Maarten airport A State minister along with Rotary leaders welcomed Barry Rassin on the tarmac of Princess Juliana Airport in the Caribbean Islands, followed by group dances from local artistes. Dec 2018Dec 18 2018 The Daily Herald Barry Rassin, Princess Juliana Airport, St Maarten Viewed: 674 Grand reception to Rassin at St Maarten airport A State minister along with Rotary leaders welcomed Barry Rassin on the tarmac of Princess Juliana Airport in the Caribbean Islands, followed by group dances from local artistes." href="">Read more
Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes. Aug 2018Aug 17 2018 Elisa McKay, The St Thomas Source Barry Rassin, Frederiksted, Irma, Jamaica, Maria, Nassau, St Croix, Virgin Islands Viewed: 583 Rotary President visits Saint Croix Barry Rassin and his wife went around to witness signature projects of all the four clubs which are celebrating their anniversaries. People are being rehabilitated after the recent hurricanes." href="">Read more
Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position."> Rest of Rotary World Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position. Jul 2018Jul 04 2018 Jamaica Observer Bahamas, Barry Rassin, Caribbean, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, Mandeville Viewed: 745 Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position." href="">Read more
Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. "> Rest of Rotary World Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. Mar 2018Mar 28 2018 Fulton Sun Barry Rassin, Fulton, Jefferson City, Missouri, Show Me Rotary Viewed: 715 Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. " href="">Read more