Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis. Mar 2019Mar 15 2019 The Northern Daily Leader Calala, drought, farmers, Manilla, Quirindi, Tamworth Viewed: 512 Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis." href="">Read more
Rotary Australia offers relief to farmers Members of Rotary Clubs of Nowra and Gerringong have take up a number of fundraising efforts to deliver relief packages to farmers affected by drought."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Australia offers relief to farmers Members of Rotary Clubs of Nowra and Gerringong have take up a number of fundraising efforts to deliver relief packages to farmers affected by drought. Dec 2018Dec 05 2018 Mike Ludlow, South Coast Register Australia, Christmas, Condobolin, drought, farmers, Forbes, Gerringong, Nowra Viewed: 610 Rotary Australia offers relief to farmers Members of Rotary Clubs of Nowra and Gerringong have take up a number of fundraising efforts to deliver relief packages to farmers affected by drought." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World IIT alumni help farmers fight poverty Nov 2017Oct 10 2024 Joanna Kurian, YourStory farmers, IIT Kharagpur, Kaivalya Vichar Seva Samiti, Vishal Singh Viewed: 590 Read more