Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. Jan 2018Jan 16 2018 Julie Currie, The Falkirk Herald Callendar House, Cow Wynd, crocus, end polio now, Falkirk, Polmont Viewed: 953 Rotary clubs join hands for End-Polio Now fundraisers All clubs in Falkirk district, UK, make annual donations to the Foundation and part of this goes to the global polio campaign which will have £40 million per year over the next three years. " href="">Read more