A charming young WinS Ambassador Meet K P Suchitra, the feisty little girl behind the construction of toilets in every home in her village in Karnataka.

A charming young WinS Ambassador Meet K P Suchitra, the feisty little girl behind the construction of toilets in every home in her village in Karnataka. " href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-charming-young-wins-ambassador/">Read more

Visible, high impact projects are the new TRF mantra Foundation grant projects are getting bigger and more sustainable; the average size of a Global Grant is now $72,000, TRF Trustee and WinS Global Chair Sushil Gupta told Rotary News in an interview. Fortunately, the initial cynicism, doubts and attempts to take shortcuts with long-term sustainable projects are now fading, he added.

Visible, high impact projects are the new TRF mantra Foundation grant projects are getting bigger and more sustainable; the average size of a Global Grant is now $72,000, TRF Trustee and WinS Global Chair Sushil Gupta told Rotary News in an interview. Fortunately, the initial cynicism, doubts and attempts to take shortcuts with long-term sustainable projects are now fading, he added." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/visible-high-impact-projects-are-the-new-trf-mantra/">Read more

Rotary Forest gets lots of helping hands on Earth Day This year the project is recognising Canada's 150th birthday by planting a huge maple leaf, 60 metres wide and 50 metres long.

Rotary Forest gets lots of helping hands on Earth Day This year the project is recognising Canada's 150th birthday by planting a huge maple leaf, 60 metres wide and 50 metres long." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-forest-gets-lots-of-helping-hands-on-earth-day/">Read more

Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones.

Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-clubs-to-assist-state-in-making-schools-digital/">Read more

Alexandra Rotary builds tomorrow’s leaders A 24-member group experienced a range of physical, mental and emotional challenges, all aimed at inspiring them to become better leaders in their communities.

Alexandra Rotary builds tomorrow’s leaders A 24-member group experienced a range of physical, mental and emotional challenges, all aimed at inspiring them to become better leaders in their communities." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/alexandra-rotary-builds-tomorrows-community-leaders/">Read more

Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community.

Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/chris-weber-is-rotarys-literacy-champion/">Read more
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