Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones.

As the Maharasthra Government is striving to make all government schools digital, Rotary South Asia Society for Development and Cooperation (RSAS) has offered its services. An MoU signed between the two will see 18,510 schools in state going digital.
As per the MoU, only government and private-aided schools will benefit. The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones. First lot will be schools controlled by local self-governing after which private-aided schools will be chosen.
Rotary had created a link ( for schools to register and nominate themselves for the scheme. It is mandatory for schools to have at least one digital classroom to be considered further. After evaluating the schools, Rotary will nominate the schools and provide items to them for creating digital classrooms. All the rights will be given to rotary to act in the matter.
As per Rotary website, RSAS was formed “to work for development of the region in the areas of education, health and hygiene, trade and commerce, youth and sports, empowerment of women, etc.”
The web page further mentioned that there was a felt a need to create a formal legal entity that could plan, fund and implement various initiatives in the chosen fields. Following this the RSAS was registered in Mumbai as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1861 in 2014.
Nagpur district has already benefited with a partnership with Rotary as in 2015 the group adopted 300 zilla parishad schools for infrastructure upgradation.
Digital classrooms are an integral part of the state government’s campaign called ‘Pragat Shaikshanik Maharashtra’ (progressive education in Maharashtra). The state believes digital classrooms will enhance the quality of learning as students are known to understand complex concepts easily when things are taught using visual aids.