Rotary District presents cheque to food bank for expansion District 6960 chose the food bank as the recipient of the $40,000 as the benefits of this grant would feed potentially hundreds of individuals in need throughout this region for years to come."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary District presents cheque to food bank for expansion District 6960 chose the food bank as the recipient of the $40,000 as the benefits of this grant would feed potentially hundreds of individuals in need throughout this region for years to come. Dec 2017Dec 12 2017 Josh Milton, Herald-Tribune All Faiths Food Bank, Charlotte, Desoto, Florida, Manatee, Sarasota Viewed: 680 Rotary District presents cheque to food bank for expansion District 6960 chose the food bank as the recipient of the $40,000 as the benefits of this grant would feed potentially hundreds of individuals in need throughout this region for years to come." href="">Read more
Rotary upgrades Greenway nature preserve In 2014, the club pledged a five-year $100,000 donation to the Greenway, which in part has been used to build a new amphitheatre that is attracting over 1,000 people to summer concerts."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary upgrades Greenway nature preserve In 2014, the club pledged a five-year $100,000 donation to the Greenway, which in part has been used to build a new amphitheatre that is attracting over 1,000 people to summer concerts. Jul 2017 Andrew Stark for The Fort Mill Times; The Herald amphitheatre, Anne Springs Close Greenway, Charlotte, Fort Mill Viewed: 582 Rotary upgrades Greenway nature preserve In 2014, the club pledged a five-year $100,000 donation to the Greenway, which in part has been used to build a new amphitheatre that is attracting over 1,000 people to summer concerts." href="">Read more