Arch Klumph’s hometown raises over $2 million through Centennial celebration District 6630 leaders thought that a concert was a fitting way to honour Klumph and mark the centennial because of Klumph's love of music."> Rest of Rotary World Arch Klumph’s hometown raises over $2 million through Centennial celebration District 6630 leaders thought that a concert was a fitting way to honour Klumph and mark the centennial because of Klumph's love of music. Nov 2016Nov 24 2016 Rotary International Arch Klumph, banquet, Cleveland, concert, Rotary Viewed: 538 Arch Klumph’s hometown raises over $2 million through Centennial celebration District 6630 leaders thought that a concert was a fitting way to honour Klumph and mark the centennial because of Klumph's love of music." href="">Read more