RC Deonar gifts tabs to schoolchildren

Rotary Club of Deonar, RID 3141, recently gifted 8-inch tabs to 10 teachers and 105 students studying in Class 7 at the Subhaschandra Bose Vidyamandir located amidst a slum colony in Mumbai. “We will be replacing the tabs after three years considering the life span of the gadgets,” said project head Rohan D’Souza who, along with club president Sudhir Mehta, is driving the project with the concept of ‘Each One, Give One’. Savex Technologies has sponsored the cost of the tabs and Kotak Education Foundation will train the students and teachers on the usage.


The club has been associated with the school for the last eight years and has donated various amenities under the Happy Schools project. “Our children are smart, but they do not have the necessary resources to compete with the convent kids. These tabs and the training will give an opportunity to the bright students to shine and be successful,” said school principal Kale.

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