Information on the go

Uday Nanda, a member of RAC Delhi Rajdhani, with the support of his club members, has designed a Chatbot to answer people’s questions about the ­pandemic. A Chatbot is a software application that simulates online text conversation with individuals. You can ask questions and receive information similar to chatting with a real person.

For health-related information, the App directs you to a related WHO page and for ­Rotary-related query, it links you to the Rotary website. Travel guidelines, ­prevention tips, informative ­videos are also featured in the App.


“Based on the initial feedback, we are working on enhancing the user experience to allow the ­Chatbot to assist with booking doctor appointments, link the user to testing labs, and help locate food or supplies,” says Nanda.

The Chatbot can be accessed on the Rotaract Delhi Rajdhani club’s Facebook messenger page. For more details contact

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