From RI South Asia Office desk

WASH-in-Schools Target ChallengeWASH-in-Schools Target Challenge

The Board of Trustees in the June’20 Trustees Meet accepted the suggestion of WASH in Schools (WinS) steering committee and approved extension of the WinS Target Challenge pilot programme for a year, considering the unfavourable situation due to the Covid pandemic. While the pilot is now set to end in June 2021, all recognition applications must be submitted to TRF by February 20, 2021, to allow ample time for programme evaluation and presentation to Trustees before June 2021.

As many Rotary clubs are already working in WinS projects and may like to submit the star recognition applications, we request district leaders to encourage clubs/Rotarians to submit their applications before Feb 20, 2021, to get recognised by TRF for their efforts.

Reach out to at SAO for further clarification and information.

Online contribution — points to rememberl Debit card option:

  • While making online contribution through or, members can also use either credit card or debit card to make payment by using the same link which says ‘Credit Card’.
  • Contribution from non-Rotarians: When an online contribution is made by a non-Rotarian from your club/district, request them to share the online confirmation number along with club details with us at so that the contribution can be tagged to the respective club.

Public image in Covid times

Here are few tips to keep the engagement levels high digitally during these unprecedented times:

  • Take the time to train people on resources for remote learning and accessing RI’s online tools and resources
  • Make sure your club website is up-to-date, using the Rotary branding guides described in the Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines (available in the Brand Center by signing in to My Rotary).
  • Select one primary social media platform — such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn — and update it at least once a week.
  • Let the public know through virtual technology all the good work that your club is doing.
  • Try to get photos of your members actively performing service, either in their homes or out in the community.
  • You can even livestream your service activities using tools like Facebook Live, YouTube Live or Periscope. Record your livestreamed events and post them on your club’s social media channels and website.
  • Consistent communication with both members and the public is essential for keeping your club visible in your community. Capture screen grabs of virtual meetings and post it on digital channels to show that your club remains active. Post club bulletins and newsletters to update your members and community on your club’s activities, even if you aren’t meeting in person.
  • Most importantly, keep focusing on promoting service projects on social and digital channels.

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