Call Me Barry Rotary’s new president, Barry Rassin, strikes a perfect balance between Bahamian bonhomie and decisive leadership.

Call Me Barry Rotary’s new president, Barry Rassin, strikes a perfect balance between Bahamian bonhomie and decisive leadership." href="">Read more

Where women are given wings Judge Swati Chavan, a Rotary Peace Scholar and a judge of the Pune Family Court, is making waves in the economic emancipation of women deserted by their husbands or waiting for divorce, with court orders for maintenance in their hands, but penniless nevertheless as the men refuse to pay up and go in for further litigation. For these women “trapped in the court corridors” for long years, she initiated Swayam Siddha, a self-help programme through which the women are trained in different vocations and helped to help themselves economically. With RI District 3131 partnering with the court and RC Pune University supporting the programme, it has really taken off and over 50 women have already completed their training and are in gainful employment, with some of them earning upto Rs.20,000 a month. Excerpts from an interview with Judge Swati done in her chamber in Pune.

Where women are given wings Judge Swati Chavan, a Rotary Peace Scholar and a judge of the Pune Family Court, is making waves in the economic emancipation of women deserted by their husbands or waiting for divorce, with court orders for maintenance in their hands, but penniless nevertheless as the men refuse to pay up and go in for further litigation. For these women “trapped in the court corridors” for long years, she initiated Swayam Siddha, a self-help programme through which the women are trained in different vocations and helped to help themselves economically. With RI District 3131 partnering with the court and RC Pune University supporting the programme, it has really taken off and over 50 women have already completed their training and are in gainful employment, with some of them earning upto Rs.20,000 a month. Excerpts from an interview with Judge Swati done in her chamber in Pune." href="">Read more
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