Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green. Jul 2018Jul 12 2018 Royal Sutton News Botswana, Fairfax Academy, Nambotzia, Namibia, Victoria Falls, Wylde Green, Zimbabwe Viewed: 552 Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green." href="">Read more
Rotary gifts Xbox to children’s hospital In association with an NGO Heroes in Hospitals, the Rotary club donated three new Xbox consoles with select games which will engage sick children with entertainment."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary gifts Xbox to children’s hospital In association with an NGO Heroes in Hospitals, the Rotary club donated three new Xbox consoles with select games which will engage sick children with entertainment. Jul 2018Jul 10 2018 Lachlan Bennett, The Advocate Assassin's Creed, Burnie, Forza, Halo, Minecraft, Superheroes, Tasmania, Xbox Viewed: 500 Rotary gifts Xbox to children’s hospital In association with an NGO Heroes in Hospitals, the Rotary club donated three new Xbox consoles with select games which will engage sick children with entertainment." href="">Read more
Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects."> Rest of Rotary World Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects. Jul 2018Jul 10 2018 Tapinto West Orange Hazel School, Mayfair Farms, New Jersey, West Orange Viewed: 594 Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects." href="">Read more
Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students. Jul 2018Jul 09 2018 Daniel Warn, Nisqually Valley News Moose Lodge, Nisqually, rummage, Yelm Viewed: 431 Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students." href="">Read more
Fun and food at Rotary Fair One of the sought after community festival, the six-day Rotary Fair in Hillsborough offers a number of thrill rides, games, vendor displays and food varieties."> Rest of Rotary World Fun and food at Rotary Fair One of the sought after community festival, the six-day Rotary Fair in Hillsborough offers a number of thrill rides, games, vendor displays and food varieties. Jul 2018Jul 06 2018 Rich Salem, Bumper Cars, Carousel, Hillsborough, Ring of Fire, Rotary Fair, Sizzler Viewed: 568 Fun and food at Rotary Fair One of the sought after community festival, the six-day Rotary Fair in Hillsborough offers a number of thrill rides, games, vendor displays and food varieties." href="">Read more
Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position."> Rest of Rotary World Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position. Jul 2018Jul 04 2018 Jamaica Observer Bahamas, Barry Rassin, Caribbean, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, Mandeville Viewed: 607 Jamaica hosts RI President Barry Rassin The Rotary International President and his wife are in the Caribbean island for the installation of Dr Patrick Adizua as the Governor of RID 7020, the 10th Jamaican to rise to that position." href="">Read more
Human trafficking awareness at Rotary The event is in addition to the service project of placing posters in middle and high schools asking students to be aware of their surroundings and to report any signs of human trafficking."> Rest of Rotary World Human trafficking awareness at Rotary The event is in addition to the service project of placing posters in middle and high schools asking students to be aware of their surroundings and to report any signs of human trafficking. Jul 2018Jul 03 2018 Clayton Buckhead, Clayton County, Lake Spivey, Lovejoy, trafficking Viewed: 846 Human trafficking awareness at Rotary The event is in addition to the service project of placing posters in middle and high schools asking students to be aware of their surroundings and to report any signs of human trafficking." href="">Read more
Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually."> Rest of Rotary World Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually. Jul 2018Jul 02 2018 Observer Chautauqua, Dunkirk, Fredonia, Jamestown, New York, Pennsylvania, Starflight Viewed: 606 Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually." href="">Read more
Wellness in the Workplace Good health is not merely the absence of disease."> Health & Fitness Wellness in the Workplace Good health is not merely the absence of disease. Jul 2018Jul 03 2018 Sheela Nambiar Viewed: 475 Wellness in the Workplace Good health is not merely the absence of disease." href="">Read more