TRF Chair Message – May 2016


The TRF centennial celebration — ready for launch in Seoul

The 100th anniversary of The Rotary Foundation will occur in June of next year, and a full year of activities is planned leading up to it, starting with the 2016 ­Convention in Seoul and ­culminating with the 2017 Convention in Atlanta. I remember well the excitement of the Rotary centennial in 2004–05, and I hope that Rotarians worldwide will treat the Foundation’s centennial with the same enthusiasm!

The centennial celebration will launch at the Seoul convention, and the entire general session on Tuesday morning will feature the Foundation’s programmes. However, it is the activities of clubs and districts that will determine the success of the centennial celebration. To assist in the planning of centenary events, the Rotary Resource Centre in the House of Friendship in Seoul will offer Rotarians helpful materials and ideas.

For Rotarians who are unable to attend the convention, the  same materials will be available for download at The tool kit includes:

  • Ideas and activities for clubs and districts
  • Promotional flier and bookmark for the centennial book,  Doing Good in the World
  • Promotional postcard
  • Sample press release for clubs to promote local activities
  • History of The Rotary Foundation PowerPoint
  • Centennial letterhead, logo and PowerPoint template
  • Centennial video (highly recommended)

Rotary would not be as strong and vibrant as it is today without the tremendous support of The Rotary Foundation, and it is now time to celebrate its 100th birthday. Rotary is a grassroots organisation with more than 35,000 clubs, most of which have directly benefited from support of The Rotary Foundation. Therefore, I truly hope that all of you — and your clubs — will show your appreciation for the Foundation that Rotary created for the purpose of Doing Good in the World!


Ray Klinginsmith
Foundation Trustee Chair

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