Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand."> Rest of Rotary World Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand. Mar 2018Mar 09 2018 Farida Master, Times Online Ian Riseley, Moorooduc, New Zealand, Sandringham, Waipuna Viewed: 824 Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand." href="">Read more