Focus on human trafficking at Rotary District meet A US Congressman explains the grave issue of human trafficking which is a $150 billion industry and 72 per cent of all victims are young women."> Rest of Rotary World Focus on human trafficking at Rotary District meet A US Congressman explains the grave issue of human trafficking which is a $150 billion industry and 72 per cent of all victims are young women. Apr 2018May 02 2018 Aimee Barrows/Shaw Media Adam Kinzinger, Channahon, Dekalb, human trafficking, Illinois, sycamore, Winnebago County Viewed: 818 Focus on human trafficking at Rotary District meet A US Congressman explains the grave issue of human trafficking which is a $150 billion industry and 72 per cent of all victims are young women." href="">Read more
Rotary plants trees to honour two women Planting trees to recognise the contributions of these two women coincides with Rotary International’s target of planting at least two million saplings to make the world a better place."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary plants trees to honour two women Planting trees to recognise the contributions of these two women coincides with Rotary International’s target of planting at least two million saplings to make the world a better place. Nov 2017Nov 20 2017 Grace Peterson, Norfolk Daily News Norfolk, Nucor Steel, Skyview Park, sycamore, Thayer County Fair Viewed: 625 Rotary plants trees to honour two women Planting trees to recognise the contributions of these two women coincides with Rotary International’s target of planting at least two million saplings to make the world a better place." href="">Read more