Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 1,028 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly."> Rest of Rotary World Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly. Feb 2019Feb 12 2019 Chioma Obinna, Vanguard Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lagos, menstruation, nigeria, Nora Dreams, Palmgrove Viewed: 1,133 Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly." href="">Read more
Rotary eye hospital a boon for Nigerians RC Lagos Palmgrove Estate in partnership with Indo Eye Care Foundation has opened a hospital for doing cataract surgeries and other eye-related treatments for the underprivileged. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary eye hospital a boon for Nigerians RC Lagos Palmgrove Estate in partnership with Indo Eye Care Foundation has opened a hospital for doing cataract surgeries and other eye-related treatments for the underprivileged. Nov 2018Nov 30 2018 Mary Nnah, This Day eyecare, Lagos, nigeria, optometry Viewed: 992 Rotary eye hospital a boon for Nigerians RC Lagos Palmgrove Estate in partnership with Indo Eye Care Foundation has opened a hospital for doing cataract surgeries and other eye-related treatments for the underprivileged. " href="">Read more
Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years."> Rest of Rotary World Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years. Nov 2018Nov 20 2018 Egufe Yafugborhi, Vanguard Ebola, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Viewed: 920 Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years." href="">Read more
Nigerian President gets Polio Champion Award Nigeria has not recorded any case of polio in the last 27 months, nine months away from possible certification of eradication."> Rest of Rotary World Nigerian President gets Polio Champion Award Nigeria has not recorded any case of polio in the last 27 months, nine months away from possible certification of eradication. Nov 2018Nov 19 2018 Abuja, Muhammadu Buhari, nigeria, polio, Polio Champion Viewed: 709 Nigerian President gets Polio Champion Award Nigeria has not recorded any case of polio in the last 27 months, nine months away from possible certification of eradication." href="">Read more
Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later. Nov 2018Nov 05 2018 Steve Lord, The Beacon-News Aurora, Enugu, Naperville, nigeria, Nsukka, polio Viewed: 654 Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later." href="">Read more
Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Oct 2018 Sarah Ferguson, Forbes Afghanistan, immunisation, nigeria, Pakistan, poliovirus, unicef Viewed: 803 Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan." href="">Read more
Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families. Sep 2018Sep 27 2018 Esther Onyegbula, Vanguard Festac, fibroid, nigeria Viewed: 945 Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families." href="">Read more
Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. Sep 2018Sep 20 2018 Alice Dickow, Inside Philanthrophy 3-H, Bill Gates Foundation, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, unicef Viewed: 1,181 Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. " href="">Read more
Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far. Aug 2018Aug 16 2018 reliefweb Afghanistan, African, nigeria, PolioPlus, poliovirus, unicef, who Viewed: 781 Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far." href="">Read more
Rotary Club Lagos Island installs new President Rtn Raj Kumar Gulati who took over as new President said it was not a moment of pleasure for him, but a moment of responsibility put on his shoulders to complete a plethora of projects."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Club Lagos Island installs new President Rtn Raj Kumar Gulati who took over as new President said it was not a moment of pleasure for him, but a moment of responsibility put on his shoulders to complete a plethora of projects. Aug 2018 Mary Nnah, installation, Lagos, nigeria, Ogun Viewed: 1,308 Rotary Club Lagos Island installs new President Rtn Raj Kumar Gulati who took over as new President said it was not a moment of pleasure for him, but a moment of responsibility put on his shoulders to complete a plethora of projects." href="">Read more