Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later. Nov 2018Nov 05 2018 Steve Lord, The Beacon-News Aurora, Enugu, Naperville, nigeria, Nsukka, polio Viewed: 605 Rotary clubs join hands for the final push against polio A fellowship event on World Polio Day gave a live streaming of Rotary’s global efforts to eradicate the disease followed by the display of portable iron lung machine a few days later." href="">Read more