Rotary donates winter jackets to schoolchildren RC Bradford through a partnership gave away over 160 winter coats to school children and for other community programmes and the funds were mobilised through donations."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary donates winter jackets to schoolchildren RC Bradford through a partnership gave away over 160 winter coats to school children and for other community programmes and the funds were mobilised through donations. Dec 2018Dec 13 2018 Kate Day Sager, The Bradford Era Blaisdell, Bradford, Fretz Middle School, jackets, Operation Warm, winter coats Viewed: 636 Rotary donates winter jackets to schoolchildren RC Bradford through a partnership gave away over 160 winter coats to school children and for other community programmes and the funds were mobilised through donations." href="">Read more
Warm coats for children boost Rotary image Bradford Rotary raised funds from individual donors within the organisation and the Blaisdell Foundation to purchase 109 warm coats for elementary-age students in the district."> Rest of Rotary World Warm coats for children boost Rotary image Bradford Rotary raised funds from individual donors within the organisation and the Blaisdell Foundation to purchase 109 warm coats for elementary-age students in the district. Jan 2018Jan 11 2018 Kate Day Sager, The Bradford Era Blaisdell, Bradford, coats, jackets Viewed: 762 Warm coats for children boost Rotary image Bradford Rotary raised funds from individual donors within the organisation and the Blaisdell Foundation to purchase 109 warm coats for elementary-age students in the district." href="">Read more