Rotary clubs team to bring X-rays to Guatemala Under the HealthRays project, the Rotarians partnered with the Guatemalan government and Pan American Health Orgnisation to offer image diagnostics to this impoverished country."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs team to bring X-rays to Guatemala Under the HealthRays project, the Rotarians partnered with the Guatemalan government and Pan American Health Orgnisation to offer image diagnostics to this impoverished country. Nov 2017Nov 02 2017 Eileen O Daday, Daily Herald Guatemala, HealthRays, image diagnostics, Latin America, Northbrook, Shaumburg, Wilmette, X-ray Viewed: 643 Rotary clubs team to bring X-rays to Guatemala Under the HealthRays project, the Rotarians partnered with the Guatemalan government and Pan American Health Orgnisation to offer image diagnostics to this impoverished country." href="">Read more