Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. "> Rest of Rotary World Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. Dec 2017Dec 08 2017 Messenger Post Media Asuncion, El Sauce, La Palma, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Victor-Farmington Viewed: 951 Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. " href="">Read more