Rotary donates storage shed to charity group A Rotarian found Angel Guild that sells used merchandise to help the community was in need of a storage shed and contacted his club which decided to raise money for donation.

Christmas came early this year for Angel Guild, thanks mostly to the Rotary Club of Gig Harbor (Washington, US – D 5020).
Rotary member Jeff Harris noticed the non-profit needed more space for storing items for its thrift store at Key Center Corral, 9013 Key Peninsula Highway.
So he contacted the Rotary’s Community Services Committee, which agreed to raise $6,000 to get Angel Guild a new Home Depot shed.
In addition, the Home Depot Foundation gave $1,030 in store credit to finish the interior of the shed.
“They’re out of storage space and have been out for years,” Harris said of Angel Guild.
Now, he said, “They’ll be able to store items that they don’t have room to store.”
The 16-by-22-foot shed was delivered Nov 27 and placed next to a storage shed Angel Guild has had for 20 years.
Getting the new shed was a blessing, said Angel Guild coordinator Carla Parkhurst.
“We were very grateful,” she said. “We are so excited it’s standing next to our other sorting shed.”
Angel Guild — 45 volunteers and the paid coordinator — sells used merchandise and uses the money to fund bonds for community organisations such as the Children’s Home Society, Key Peninsula Schools and the YMCA.
Started more than 40 years ago, the group in recent years has put about $100,000 back in the community annually.
In the past, Angel Guild has had to turn down items because of lack of space, so with the new shed their storage space has increased exponentially.
Still, it only goes so far. Angel Guild accepts most donations, but does not take large appliances such as furniture because even with the new shed it doesn’t have the space to store them.
But what they can handle does a lot for the community, Harris said.
“They sell the stuff for ridiculously low prices for people in need,” he said. “It’s a great institution.”
Source: The News Tribune