RC Madras North honours women achievers

PDG I S A K Nazar presents the award to Dr P ­Manorama, founder, Community Health ­Education Society, in the presence of RC Madras North president Anand ­Saravanaraj (L) and secretary G Vijayaraghavan.
PDG I S A K Nazar presents the award to Dr P ­Manorama, founder, Community Health ­Education Society, in the presence of RC Madras North president Anand ­Saravanaraj (L) and secretary G Vijayaraghavan.

To honour the leadership of RI President Jennifer Jones, and celebrate her theme Imagine Rotary, RC Madras North, RID 3232, instituted the Imagine Award of ­Excellence for the Rotary year 2022–23. This award recognises women leaders who have made exceptional contributions in alignment with Rotary’s seven areas of focus.

PDG I S A K Nazar was the chief guest at the Paavai Women’s ­Conclave. Seven women — Kirthi ­Jayakumar, founder, ­Gender Security Project; Dr Manorama, founder, Community Health Education Society; Padmapriya T S, chief executive, Sanitation First India; Dr Umaiyal ­Murugesan, managing director, Sri Kumaran Hospitals; Aruna Subramaniam, managing trustee, Bhoomika Trust; Madhu Saran, founder, River NGO; and S Padma Priya, founder, Vidhai Vidhaipom — were honoured with the Rotary awards.

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