Letters to the Editor – March 2017 issue

Excellent coverage of DDZI

Congratulations for the vivid and comprehensive reports of DDZI in the January issue. I felt as if I had attended the Zonal Institute. The questions of IPRIP K R Ravindran and the candid replies of RI President John Germ and RIPN Sam Owori are a clear focus on Rotary and its future.

P D Bagri, RC Baroda
Jawaharnagar — D 3060

The centennial celebrations of The Rotary Foundation organised by Rotary Zones  4,  5 and 6A at Dazzling Dubai is a New Year gift to the world. The colourful celebration was a grand success due to the meticulous planning and hard work put in over nearly two years by the two pillars of Rotary — RID Manoj Desai and PDG Raja Seenivasan. Hats off to the duo on behalf of all the  Rotarians of South Asia.

Of all the nine beautiful ­articles with pictures written by the Rotary News Editor, I select here a few —Teamwork vital to change the world: John Germ; When the ­partners ­sparkled at the Dubai Institute, both of which were complemented by Fun-time at Dazzling Dubai and a nice entertainment picture on the cover. The participants and their spouses wearing multi-coloured and glittering attires have been eye-catching to all Rotarians, young and old. It is a feast to the beholder.

G V Sayagavi, RC Davangere
Vidyanagara — D 3160

Sitting, the new smoking

I liked the article Sitting is the new smoking by Sheela Nambiar in the January issue. During my recent visit to Europe for a business meeting in Finland, I found that executives are using tables which are having auto button to raise the top of the tables so that they can also work by standing at the work place.

These tables are beneficial for those working most of the time on a desktop computer or a laptop. I hope this product should also be available in India to save people the risks of diseases like cancer and spondylitis.

T D Bhatia
RC Delhi Mayur Vihar — D 3080 

Club activities are important

The January issue is very attractive with beautiful glimpses of the Dubai Institute meetings, especially on TRF strategies. But I was surprised to find Club Matters missing. I feel that under any circumstances, the pages for club activities must not be cut as they are the backbone of Rotary’s work and image.

RI President John Germ has rightly pointed out that Rotary ­partnership with other organisations is advantageous to society. RIPN Sam Owori’s suggestion of ­inducting the right people in clubs is the key to resolve the problem of quality in Rotary.

The article Black money is like blood cancer by TCA ­Srinivasa Raghavan is interesting with his ­valuable suggestion for the ­government not to waste energy on a small portion of income of the honest people who do not declare income tax because they genuinely can’t afford the high taxation. I always enjoy reading the many ­useful ­information in Rotary News.

P C Sanghi
Assistant Governor —
D 3052

A brilliant cover

What a brilliant idea to project the jasmine flower to depict the beauty and fragrance of India on the cover page of the February issue — a beautiful photograph of a beautiful Indian lady in a beautiful silk sari at the International Assembly. It was simply superb and I have no words to express my appreciation for the February cover.

The editorial on Rotarians already making a difference is an excellent recollection of major ­service projects of Rotary. The photographs of India sparkles at San Diego were very ­attractive and make the journal very colourful. Good ­coverage by Rasheeda Bhagat.

The Group Study Exchanges back in a new cultural avatar is wonderful news. The interview with TRF Trustee Chair Kalyan Banerjee is an eye-opener for ­Rotarians, that if Indians are appreciated and noticed they will be happy to give more. Overcoming challenges, restoring dignity is another heart touching article, which brings out the true services of Rotarians through medical missions where there is a real need.

Mobile toilets for women cops in Mumbai is a unique project that shows how Rotary spreads its wings to serve. All about literacy is an excellent article by Jaishree; the worry about low payment for teaching professionals in India is true. Club Matters is a useful column for Rotary presidents to know more about the different projects and contributions by other clubs.


The January issue titled Dazzling Dubai is ­colourful with an attractive front cover. The ­editorial A mix of dazzle and exotica clearly brings out in front of our eyes the opening ceremony of the Zone Institute — from the story of tee-shirt to clean toilet for women — that I felt as if I was there enjoying every minute of the event as the coverage is excellent.

The message from RI Director Manoj Desai explaining his dream for the coming year is ­simply heart-touching. We wish his dreams come true with the support from all Rotarians.

The photo gallery Dubai memories is ­eye-catching and colourful and the ­photographer must be appreciated for a good job. The article When the partners sparkled at the Dubai Institute is good. RI President John Germ says “if they are not happy, you are not going to be happy, and if you are not happy, your club members won’t be happy” shows his respect for the partners.

Nowadays I read the journal the day I receive it, not once but two or three times. Thanks for making it very interesting and useful.

V Jayaprakash
RC Salem East — D 2982

Wow, what a ­wonderful issue of Rotary News in Feb 2017! It is so ­colourful and refreshing. Various angles of India at ­International ­Assembly reflected ­throughout the issue, and have made it ­attractive. We readers realise that the ­magazine has taken a ­steadfastly content-driven approach, even while ­remaining constant to the core values of Rotary.

Col Gopinathan,
RC Wadakanchery — D 3201

India’s show at the International Assembly was covered very well with all the details; the photos were nicely taken at the event. A well-balanced monthly issue with all the eagerly awaited articles about events that had taken place since the last issue. Keep it up.

Group Captain V G Deodhar,
RC Nasik — D 3030

Colourful articles on IA meet

The front cover and inside wrapper are captivating in the February issue. They are classy and tasteful, depicting the feel of our rich culture in a symbolic and subtle manner. Fascinating silk sarees, colours, tika and the gold jewellery, made the IA come alive. The men were not behind in representing Indian ceremonial saafa along with Nehru jackets, Jodhpuri coats, Gujarati turbans and South Indian attire. Congrats for the front inner wrapper picture. The write-up on the IIS University conferring Doctor of Letters to RI President John Germ is readable due to its presentation and layout.

Also, other articles covering the IA, interview with TRF Trustee Chair Kalyan Banerjee and Medical Missions by PRIP Rajendra Saboo have made the February edition a collector’s issue.

PDG Ajay Kala,
RC Jaipur Round Town — D 3052

Yes, “you are making a difference” since the 28 months you took over as Editor, Rotary News.
Your coverage of IA at San Diego is superb. Reading it and seeing the pictures, I feel that I am in that city. Wherever there is Rotary conference, you are there. Hats-off to your editing. Please visit our place Nellore to know about our service to humanity.

Y Jagannadham, RC Nellore — D 3160

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