Importance of KPI


We are in a changing world. It is true that time and tide wait for none. How do we remain relevant in this world? The answer lies in ACCOUNTABILITY. We decide goals at the beginning of year but how many of us do self evaluation?

You won’t believe it, but the Kellogg’s Training and Board experience has made a great difference in our functioning. We spent two days at the April Board meeting on various decisions; the third day was mainly for reporting by the Directors. Each of us was given 5 minutes to make our presentation. The monitors show the progress on Key Performance Indicators. Can you believe that each Director has to be precise not only on achievements as shown by the upward arrow but also on reasons for the downward arrows? Basking in the glory of past is a sheer waste of time, friends.

Paradigm Shift is taking place in Rotary in India:

This is the second year we’re conducting the ‘Think Tank’ meeting with all Coordinators. I call them my ‘Friends in the field.’ But for their support we couldn’t have achieved so much.

There was an interactive session on the first day with all Coordinators (RCs, RRFCs, RPICs, EMGAs), followed the next day by training for Assistant Coordinators by Coordinators. The verticals of the Strategic Plan — support and strengthen clubs, focus and increase service and increase public image — were imparted to the DGEs by the Coordinators, RID and RIDE, and they had to interact and discuss their goals with their assistant RRFCs, RCs and RPICs.

The DGEs then had to establish their goals on the third day. These goals are without any pressure tactics. They were tabulated and before lunch the total picture for Zones 4, 5 and 6 A was ready. The entire process was interactive, inviting free and frank opinions from the DGEs.

The next ‘Think Tank’ meet will have a quarterly review by the Coordinators. The Mid-year Review meeting for the DGs at the Zone Institute is vital as performers are recognised here. They share their success story and those who are lagging behind can get tips and resources from the facilitators.

Friends, accountability is the key word. This can be achieved if you have KPIs. Hope this write-up will encourage you more to talk to your clubs and follow this healthy trend to make clubs vibrant. And, make this an ongoing process.

Manoj Desai
Director, Rotary International



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