Assembly Moments

Amita Kotbagi, Vinita Venkatesh and Shipra Roychowdhury with women participants at the International Assembly, Orlando, US.
Amita Kotbagi, Vinita Venkatesh and Shipra Roychowdhury with women participants at the International Assembly, Orlando, US.
(From L) RI Director Mahesh Kotbagi, Amita, Vinita and RI Director A S Venkatesh.
(From L) RI Director Mahesh Kotbagi, Amita, Vinita and RI Director A S Venkatesh.
Heather, spouse of RIPE Gordon McInally, with the Indian delegation. RIDE T N Subramanian and Vidhya, TRF Trustee Bharat Pandya and Vinita Venkatesh are also present.
Heather, spouse of RIPE Gordon McInally, with the Indian delegation. RIDE T N Subramanian and Vidhya, TRF Trustee Bharat Pandya and Vinita Venkatesh are also present.

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