A Cyclothon promotes literacy and sanitation

RC Bhavnagar, RID 3060, joined hands with the Police and the municipal corporation to organise Cyclothon, an annual event to promote literacy and create awareness on cleanliness.

Students with their new bicycles.
Students with their new bicycles.

Two rallies of 25 km and 14 km were flagged off simultaneously by DG Pinky Patel and Inspector General of Police (Bhavnagar) Tomar Saheb. The event had over 4,000 participants. At the end of the event, the club presented bicycles to around 25 needy students.

Vaccination centre

The Permanent Vaccination Centre (PVC) housed inside the Rotary Service Centre is popular among the people in the city. Since 1999 when it was set up, the PVC has been administering vaccines against various diseases for children from economically weak families, either free or at a subsidised charge.

The centre has 21 staff and Rotaractors too pitch in with the clerical work.

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