Letters to the Editor – February 2017 issue

Missing: Cartoons and Jokes

I was happy to read the full coverage of Dubai Institute in the January issue. Being a regular reader, I observe that a page for cartoon and jokes is missing for some time. Kindly give some space to these, to add a lighter touch to the magazine.

Krishna Shalwadi
RC Hubli East – D 3170

The January 2017 issue has many useful content. Jet Airways ­offering a 10 per cent discount on air tickets for domestic and international travel is informative. I hope the discount will continue for the whole year. Rotary leaders should ensure this by using their good offices.

K Devarajan
RC Coimbatore East – D 3201

Exotica, not erotica

Some of us were shocked to see the cover page of the January issue.  Understood there was entertainment at Dubai for delegates and a mix of dazzle and exotica, but surely not erotica. What has an almost nude picture on cover page got to do with what Rotary represents? Kindly share with Rotarians the logic behind the cover page picture.

Parimal Vasavada,
RC Ahmedabad Metro – D 3051

Wanted: More health articles

The January issue of Rotary News was a good read. The article, ­Sitting is the new smoking, on sitting being as dangerous as smoking is an eye-opener. This should be well propagated especially to persons working in the software industry and other desk-bound jobs. Please continue to publish such articles on health and nutrition to help Rotarians and others.

Dr NK Srinivasan,
RC Cuddalore – D 2981

Black money and blood cancer

The article Black money is like blood cancer was well written. It was heartening to find the writer ­handling the subject in an impartial way without leaning on any side. It was a good ­analysis of the demonetisation issue with a thorough understanding of all the pros and cons. Thank you for giving space for such honest writers.

Sujata Srinivasan, Charter President
RC Cuddalore Central – D 2981

A Lion’s response

I am an 83-year-old retired person and my son Deepak Agarwal is member of RC Siliguri Midtown. Every month I eagerly wait for Rotary News. I am highly impressed by your excellent coverage of ­several activities and events of various clubs.

Your November Rotary News has revealed to me something really heartening about the hearing impaired children (Giving one more life). I am myself short of hearing. I was the vice president of a deaf and dumb school near Bandel, about 60 km from ­Kolkata. I was also involved  with the Lions and had served as deputy district governor.
All my best wishes to the great Rotarians and particularly to you and your team for your outstanding ­coverage of articles and excellent ­photographs. God bless you all.

B R Agarwal

A good New Year begins


The New Year issue of Rotary News is exhilarating. The Editorial team has done a good job in covering the Zone ­Institute with an apt title Dazzling Dubai. The box Short course in human relations gives the five most important words (I have made a mistake) for 365 ­successful days, one day at a time, for the benefit of the DGEs. All the ­photographs have virtually taken us to dazzling Dubai. The article All about partnerships vividly explains about ­choosing the right partners in order to cover our weaknesses. The article, From Perito Moreno, with love gave us a glimpse of the majestic glacier.

The self-employment venture through Rotary and Singer was well covered, the merits and de-merits of demonetisation were simply and briefly explained in the article, Black money is like blood cancer. The secret of longevity is better understood by reading the article, Sitting is the new smoking. Many thanks once again to the Editorial team for bringing out a nice issue with exhaustive coverage.

KMK Murthy
RC Secunderabad – D 3150

The January 2017 issue is fantastic with full ­coverage and important speeches by Rotary ­leaders at the Zone Institute in Dubai. The issue covers all future plans of Rotary. Kudos to the ­organisers for selecting Dubai for the prestigious meet and selecting the theme Nothing is impossible which is apt for a small city like Dubai which has already proved it to the world.

Also, the RI President in his speech mentions about a mantra that Rotarians should work not as individuals but as a team, only then they will see greater ­success. Wish Rotary News achieves greater heights in the coming days.

MT Philip RC Trivandrum
Suburban – D 3211

The January edition is fabulous. The coverage of the DDZI event is so detailed and presented a complete picture of the event to all those who could not make it. Such were the minute details in the Institute coverage that I felt as if I had attended the event! Kudos to the editorial team.

Harish Kumar
RC Bengaluru Southend – D 3190

I was not a delegate at the Zone Institute in Dubai and so, don’t know how much the delegates enjoyed; though, I enjoyed a lot reading your Editorial. It makes me feel how unfortunate that I was not there for the event.
Not this piece alone, but many of your Editorials make us feel thrilled as well as informed. Let me reiterate that at the very outset of your taking charge of Rotary News, you have brought glamour and readership to our magazine.

Korukonda Butchi Raju
RC Anakapalle – D 3020


Wonderful December issue


Hats off to you for the ­December issue which was so interesting to read, from cover to cover — starting with a ­soothing colour design on the cover page, with a child ­looking at us and the doctor looking happy that he had saved the child’s life.

I agree  with PDG JV Reddy (RI Dist 3160) that in the name of increasing our membership, perhaps to ­overtake some other ­organisations, we are relaxing a lot of rules, including the “throwing open the door to lesser meetings, e-meetings, recruiting members for increasing the numbers and ­throwing away the ­‘classification principle’ ”. I think this will not solve our ­problem; that is if there is indeed a problem!

My head bows in reverence and appreciation to Annadurai, the Chennai auto driver, who is an unsung hero! I have shared this message with many of my students in schools which I visit and encouraged them to act like  Annadurai and make their ­parents do so too. I earnestly believe that every city, town and village must be having such ­Indians who are ­passionate about making their customers satisfied by increasing their comfort level, and thus growing in the process. We need more such articles to bring them to the forefront.

Coming to the RI President’s  message, ­touching upon engineers who make so many gadgets, machines etc. that we use and need, I firmly believe that every viable professional does this, be it a cook or an ayah in the house, the sweeper on the streets, etc.

The article  Live undistracted live focused is superb. I like every word in it and especially the last paragraph on “practise the art of calm ­abiding in solitude.”

Once again, you have given us a very good issue. Thank you Rasheeda and Team Rotary News.

Nan Narayenen
RC Madurai West, D 3000

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