Young scribe Helena aces Rotary contest School students were told to submit an imaginative and creative piece of writing on the topic ‘A different perspective’ in no more than 500 words by the Rotary Club of Farnham."> Rest of Rotary World Young scribe Helena aces Rotary contest School students were told to submit an imaginative and creative piece of writing on the topic ‘A different perspective’ in no more than 500 words by the Rotary Club of Farnham. Jul 2018Jul 31 2018 Rotary News creative essay, Farnham, writing Viewed: 661 Young scribe Helena aces Rotary contest School students were told to submit an imaginative and creative piece of writing on the topic ‘A different perspective’ in no more than 500 words by the Rotary Club of Farnham." href="">Read more