DGs should share success stories with Rotarians: Gary Huang

RID 2982 DG A K Natesan presenting his cheque for `1.04 crore to TRF Trustee Chair Gary Huang at the multi-district conclave. Also in the pic from L: PDGs (RID 2982) Dharmesh Patel, Vasu Rajaram, DG (RID 3232) G Chandramohan, District Secretary Ganapathy Suresh, Corinna Huang and TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty.
RID 2982 DG A K Natesan presenting his cheque for ₹1.04 crore to TRF Trustee Chair Gary Huang at the multi-district conclave. Also in the pic from L: PDGs (RID 2982) Dharmesh Patel, Vasu Rajaram, DG (RID 3232) G Chandramohan, District Secretary Ganapathy Suresh, Corinna Huang and TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty.

Addressing a Multi District TRF Conclave in Chennai, Trustee Chair Gary Huang urged district governors in our zone to raise their TRF contribution by at least five per cent.

“But you have to narrate to your Rotarians our great community projects, 30-year battle against polio, providing sanitation facilities and clean ­drinking water,” he said. Clubs should also make optimum use of their DDFs to make a greater impact.

Learning must never stop for self-improvement, especially for Rotarians who strive for a better world, he said. On his fourth visit to Chennai, Gary said he was always “amazed” by the enthusiasm of Rotarians and their diverse projects.

Trustee Gulam ­Vahanvaty said last year our zone gave $21.4 million and received $21 million as global grants from TRF, against the second-ranked Taiwan getting only $4.5 million. “Though US has given $186 million, it has received just $2 million for global grant projects. This only shows that funds are directed to regions where there is a felt need, ­irrespective of their contributions to the Foundation,” he said.

From L: DG G Chandramohan, TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty, TRF Trustee Chair Gary Huang, PRID P T Prabhakar and PDG E K Sagadhevan promoting the End Polio Fellow programme.
From L: DG G Chandramohan, TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty, TRF Trustee Chair Gary Huang, PRID P T Prabhakar and PDG E K Sagadhevan promoting the End Polio Fellow programme.

DG G Chandramohan said that RID 3232 had revised its original TRF goal from $1.5 million to $2 million following a nudging by Vahanvaty. “We will be submitting at least 30 global grant projects this year.”

In membership (5,300) and TRF giving, at $1.16 million last year, the district is ranked fifth in the country. “We will propose two candidates for Rotary Peace Fellowship programmes. We have carried out signature projects like Sangamitra that provided basic sanitation and drinking water facilities in governments schools; set up a bone bank and dialysis centres; and flagged off a cancer screening bus,” he said.

Membership and Foundation are the two eyes of Rotary and “we are doing projects on all the six focus areas in our district. Our Rotary Jeevan scheme, pending clearance from RISAO, will offer ₹2 lakh to the kin of the deceased Rotarians. A Trust was formed to manage the district scheme,” said DG Dr Zameer Pasha, RID 3000. He thanked Gary and Vahanvaty for setting up the Rotary Disaster Relief Fund that provided an emergency grant of $25,000 to places affected by natural calamities. RID 3000 had set a target of $2.05 million in TRF giving this year.

Every Rotarian in RID 3231 will be asked to give at least $10 to meet the TRF target of $1.15 million, said DG Sridhar Balaraman, RID 3231. “We will take up global grant projects for over $200,000; give at least 6–7 Term Gifts; and set up three more dialysis centres.” Over the last two years, the dialysis centre set up by RC Vellore Fort had done 11,000 free dialysis cycles for needy patients. “From 17 machines, the Vellore facility will expand to 40 dialysis units.”

Cots and TV sets will be donated by the district Rotarians to owners of the newly-constructed houses at Kuyilkuppam village in ­Kancheepuram district promoted by the main donor PDG ­Abirami Ramanathan. After receiving the AKS pin and Service above Self Award from Gary, ­Ramanathan said, “From the day I joined Rotary in 1987, I started giving and have never stopped. Now I am giving another $100,000 without permission from my wife!”

Presenting a cheque for ₹1.04 crore to TRF, DG Dr A K Natesan, RID 2982, who is becoming an AKS member, said most of his clubs were in the rural belt spread across six revenue districts. “Our applications for 3–4 global grant projects were rejected following the adoption of a new community assessment which does not take into account the geographical disparities we are burdened with,” he said. They have set a target of $5 lakh in TRF giving this year.


$2 for 2 drops

Every Rotarian in RID 3232 will be contributing at least $2 for two polio drops in a unique fundraiser through a crowdfunding platform that aims to collect a minimum of $1 million for TRF’s Polio Fund. When added with Gates Foundation’s 1:2 grant of $2 million, at least $3 million will be given to Polio Fund by the end of June 2020. “$2 for 2 drops is also open to public and after the soft launch in August, we have collected over $10,000 so far,” said DRFC M Ambalavanan.

All India End Polio Flame consisting of two torches were lighted by Gary kicking off the K-to-K flame campaign to mark Rotary’s 100th year in India. “On World Polio Day, Oct 24, the two flames will begin a pan-India rally from ­Kanyakumari to reach Kashmir by May-end. While one torch will be taken through western India, the other one will reach Kashmir after traversing the eastern regions. Each torch will be given to Rotary officials in Pakistan and ­Afghanistan by June 2020,” he explained.

Brand Avatar, an innovation from RID 3232, would create the “first ever human skyline in Chennai to attempt a Guinness Record on Jan 5, 2020. Our aim is to connect humanity in Chennai for causes dear to Rotary,” said PDG I S A K Nazar.

DRFCs S Gopal, RID 3000, and M ­Balamuralikrishna, RID 3231, listed out the annual goals of their respective districts. District Global Grant Chair PDG Chehab (Shab) El Awar from RC Las Vegas Won, RID 5300, and his spouse Bricia Shab and PRID P T Prabhakar were special invitees. Over 400 Rotarians and 300- plus Rotaractors attended the TRF conclave.

Besides the $2 for 2 drops and K-to-K End Polio Flame, End Polio Now Coordinators E K ­Sagadhevan and ­Keshav Kunwar have jointly designed and promoted a new district recognition for members who donate $1,500 or ₹1 lakh to the Polio Fund. For every such donation, a special End Polio Fellow Pin will be given.

Pictures by V Muthukumaran

Inauguration of a Rotary Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre

Team Rotary News

I n Bengaluru, Trustee Chair Gary Huang inaugurated a Rotary Cardi-ac Rehabilitation Centre at the Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascu-lar Sciences and Research (SJICSR) in the presence of Trustee Gu-lam Vahanvaty, RI District 3190 DG Sameer Hariani, Director of SJICR Dr Manjunath, RC Bangalore Indiranagar President Manoj Agarwal and other club members. DG Hariani said this state-of-the-art centre was done as a joint pro-ject by RC Bangalore Indiranagar and SJICSR. The building is put up by the SJICSR, which is a State government institution, and the en-tire equipment is provided by the club through a $224,807 global grant, in collaboration with RC Santo Andre, RID 4420. This centre will provide lifestyle change-counselling and training, diet consultation, evaluation of the entire cardiovascular system though ECG/ECHO/TMT; physiotherapy units, respiratory therapy and training in yoga. The equipment that this Rotary project has put up in this 700-bed famous cardiac hospital includes high-end ECHO Cardiography machines, treadmills, latest physiotherapy and other equipment. Trustee Chair Gary complimented the club members for their me-ticulous execution of this project.
TRF Trustee Chair Gary Huang and Corinna at the Rotary Cardiac ­Rehabilitation Centre, along with (from L) PDG Suresh Hari, SJICSR Director Dr C N Manjunath, TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty, DG Sameer Hariani and PDG H R Ananth.

In Bengaluru, Trustee Chair Gary Huang inaugurated a Rotary Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre at the Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research (SJICSR) in the presence of Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty, RI District 3190 DG Sameer Hariani, Director of SJICR Dr Manjunath, RC Bangalore Indiranagar President Manoj Agarwal and other club members.

DG Hariani said this state-of-the-art centre was done as a joint project by RC Bangalore Indiranagar and SJICSR. The building is put up by the SJICSR, which is a State government institution, and the entire equipment is provided by the club through a $224,807 global grant, in collaboration with RC Santo Andre, RID 4420.

This centre will provide lifestyle change-counselling and training, diet consultation,  evaluation of the entire cardiovascular system though ECG/ECHO/TMT; physiotherapy units, respiratory therapy and training in yoga. The equipment that this Rotary project has put up in this 700-bed famous cardiac hospital includes high-end ECHO Cardiography machines, treadmills, latest physiotherapy and other equipment.

Trustee Chair Gary complimented the club members for their meticulous execution of this project.

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