Letters to the Editor – June 2016 issue

600---E-1Humility personified

The article on PRIP Kalyan Banerjee in the May issue was informative, motivating, thought-provoking and simply a masterpiece. The man is truly a living icon of what a Rotarian’s life ought to be. The more I read every page of it, the more meaningful it becomes.

His name ‘Kalyan’ itself symbolises the purpose of The Rotary Foundation — ‘Doing Good (Kalyan) in the World.’ Every Rotarian like me is looking forward to his tenure as Trustee Chair of TRF in the Centennial year. May God bless him with great health.

Rtn R Murali Krishna
RC Berhampur-D 3262

It was a delight to go through PRIP Kalyan Banerjee’s profile. Indeed he has made it big by hard work and a beautiful vision. Not that I know him that well. Yet, I have had the pleasure of listening to his talks in Delhi during my early training days. He captivates the audience with his fluency and interesting turn of phrase. I remember his ringing message to the youth, which I quote whenever I address the younger ­generation. He narrates the lives of Buddha, ­Sankaracharya, Jesus Christ and Swami ­Vivekananda, who left the ­mortal coils before their 30s, but revolutionised human ­societies with their thoughts and leadership. A message to the youth to achieve something while they are still young and fresh.

PDG J V Reddy
RC Nellore-D 3160

As a third generation ­Rotarian, and an Interactor and ­Rotaractor earlier, I have been brought up on a staple diet of The Rotarian earlier and later Rotary News. The recent ­makeover of Rotary News is astounding with ­well-written articles, good photos and thought-provoking ideas.

PRIP Kalyan Banerjee is humility personified. I remember writing to him in the early 90’s and he would reply immediately, by post in those days. I met him first at the Bangkok Convention in 1996 and later when he was RI President. When I requested a photo with him, he immediately agreed. I am sure as TRF ­Chairman in the Centenary year of The Rotary Foundation, he will take it to greater heights. It is ­heartening to note that PRIP Banerjee hopes to see a woman as RI President very soon; that’s a great boost for women Rotarians worldwide.

Rtn Dr Anjana Maitra
RC Rourkela Steel City-D 3261

Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi

I enjoyed reading all the articles in the April issue — Why didn’t you come earlier?, We’ll see an RI President in five years, Change — the only constant and Rotary culture as reflected in the Judiciary. The speech by Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi was praiseworthy.

Rtn D Suresh Kumar
RC Rayachoty-D 3160

I would like to appreciate you for the presentation of the interview with RID Jennifer Jones and having an RI woman President in the near future. I wish her all the best. Thanks for the wonderful coverage.

Rtn Chockalingam P
RC Tinnevelly-D 3212

Presidential conference

Your note about the Bengali connections made in the Presidential Conference is a great observation. The enchanting melody of Ae mere pyaare watan is unforgettable. The mention of RILM programmes and projects in your editorial require serious thinking. Like you, we were all moved by the vision of Nobel Laureate Kailash ­Satyarthi on children.
The older order changes yielding place to the new and you have aptly hinted at the changing rules of COL which will positively bring in changes in the Rotary world. COL Highlights is a wise inclusion in the content and it will benefit the Rotarians of our country.

Rtn Arun Kumar Dash
RC Baripada-D 3262

I read Rotary News and feel motivated to congratulate Rotarians for their noble work to eradicate polio and promote health and hygiene.

Rtn Poonam Kapoor
RC Kanpur-D 3110

The write-up on the Him Jyoti ­Foundation is an inspiration for other Rotarians. PRID Sudarshan Agarwal started this project, and PDG Prem Bhalla is totally involved in ­giving education to underprivileged girls from remote areas of Uttarakhand.

Rtn T D Bhatia
RC Delhi Mayur Vihar-D 3012

Not recognised

I am a regular reader of Rotary News. This April issue was a big shock to me. I want to bring to your kind notice about the article on ­Villagers get happy homes at Thirupper village by RC Chennai Thiruvanmiyur. I am a Rotarian who ­participated in this function. There was no ­mention about the three ­important ­Rotarians, who played a pivotal role for this project — Past ­President and LCS Chairman, Rtn U Karunanithi, Rtn Matthuresh and PDG V Raja Seenivasan, RRFC, who ­meticulously helped for this project.

I believe Rotary always ­recognises, encourages, and brings out positive energies and the same should be reflected in the magazine also.

Rtn Mullai Subbiah
RC Ambattur-D 3230

Editor’s Reply
Dear Rtn Subbiah,
I am sorry that names of people who put in such great effort were left out from the report. I carry your letter to highlight their contribution and urge all PDGs and DGs to brief my ­reporters adequately when they seek ­coverage in Rotary News.

WinS — A wonderful programme

WINS, executed by ­District 3211, has made a great impact.Children who ­earlier ate ­without washing hands, now patiently queue up to clean their hands. This message has percolated down to grassroots. Thanks to Rtn Dr ­Vavanikkunnel for his sincere propaganda on WINS.

Rtn NRUK Kartha
RC Trivandrum Suburban-D 3211

From the article on judiciary in the April issue, we got to know about eminent jurors such as Nani Palkhivala, Justice HR Khanna, Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar and the service of Rotary clubs of Bombay (1997).

Rtn K S Rajendran
RC Tirupur Midtown-D 3202

Proud Xaverians

St Xavier’s College, ­Kolkata has produced many ­illustrious ­students amongst whom Nitish C Laharry ­(1962–63), Rajendra K Saboo (1991–92) and Kalyan ­Banerjee (2011–12) went on to become RI Presidents. It is a ­matter of honour and pride for the ­institution to have such ­notable alumni who have excelled in their own ­professions and vocation.

Rtn Dr Sudam Basa
RC Bhubaneswar-D 3262

RI President’s Report Card

Congratulations to President KR Ravindran for opening up Rotary positions to more than PDGs.

Rtn John Borst
RC Dryden-D 5550

600---Wrapper---April-2016Subscribing to Rotary News

I was amazed to read that a few thousand Rotarians do not subscribe to any magazine. All should be encouraged to read Rotary News every month.

Your editorial Winds of change at Rotary was ­noteworthy. Glad to hear that Rotary leaders, who met in ­Chicago, have made changes and given clubs liberty to decide how often they meet. Two meetings, instead of four, are welcome. Relaxing the six criteria for Rotary membership and replacing them with simple requirements augurs well for Rotary.

The April issue was ­magnificent in its layout, from its cover photo ­depicting the Nobel Laureate ­Kailash ­Satyarthi being congratulated by PRIP Rajendra K Saboo, with the caption ‘Nobel Embraces Rotary.’ The remarks made in Satyarthi’s speech are heartening and sincere.

Rtn M T Philip
RC Trivandrum Suburban-D 3211

It is sad to know that ­Rotarians are not subscribing to Rotary News, which is mandatory. I feel we’ll know more about Rotary by reading it. It is full of knowledge about the Rotary world, what Rotary is doing for the community and the exceptional Rotary spirit which can’t be found elsewhere.

Rtn Raj Kumar Kapoor
RC Roopnagar-D 3080

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